Conference overview

Program Outline
  • Friday May 28:
    1. Sessions 9:00 - 13:00
    2. Lunch break 13:00-14:00
    3. Sessions 14:00-18:00
    4. Dinner Night 19:30
  • Saturday May 29:
    1. Sessions 9:00 - 13:00
    2. Farewell Lunch 13:00 - 14:00
    3. Sightseeing in Warsaw
Author Guidelines for the Preparation of Manuscripts

These instructions are designed to speed up the publication process of your manuscript, to save you time on preparation.

Submitting your Final Manuscript

Please send your complete manuscript, (text, tables, figures, etc.) as electronic source files, with all files clearly labeled in a separate folder for each article. For text, submit the manuscript as RTF, DOC or DOCX files: we cannot use PDF files for typesetting. Please pay special attention to the appearance of special symbols, equations, figures and tables.

Preparation of the Text

Stylistic Points
Good manuscripts are concise, unambiguous, easy to read and properly punctuated. If English is not your first language, please ask a colleague to check over your text. If your institute has a language editing service available, do use it. Please, use Times New Roman font.

The Articles
A well-structured text and meaningful headings make it easier for the reader to get a general idea of the text. The list below shows how to structure your article, and please use the checklist at the end of this document to ensure everything is present before submitting your manuscript.

At the beginning of an article, please provide a short abstract of up to 250 words. The abstract should not contain any undefined abbreviations or unspecified references.

After the abstract, please provide up to 5 keywords or short phrases in alphabetical order. Keywords are important for the online 'findability': search engines like Google Scholar use these words to index the chapters. The keywords should be a mix between general and specialist terms and relevant to the article.

Please follow the Collins English Dictionary or the Concise Oxford Dictionary for British English or Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary for American English, and ensure that there is consistency throughout the manuscript.

Use italics for:
- titles of publications mentioned in the text and the reference list.
- mathematical variables.
- genera and species (following international nomenclature as appropriate).
- specific chemical prefixes (following IUPAC conventions).

Technical Terms, Units and Abbreviations
- Ensure that the spelling of names, terms, and abbreviations is consistent, including within the tables and figures, as well as their captions.
- Abbreviations, except for very common ones, must be defined the first time they are used and in a list supplied with the manuscript.
- Please always use Systčme International (SI) signs and symbols for units. Use positive and negative exponents.
- Chemical compounds should be named according to the systematic rules of the IUPAC or Chemical Abstracts.

- Numbers below ten should be spelt out.
- A zero should be inserted before the decimal point for all values less than one e.g., 0.8%
- Commas should be used to separate thousands.

Equations and formulae
Symbols must be unambiguous and defined, and subscripts and superscripts clearly positioned.

Use single quotation marks if necessary. Double quotation marks should only be used for quotes within quotes. For all direct quotes, the exact spelling and punctuation of the original should be followed. Any interpolations in the quoted material should be enclosed in square brackets.

Please use the 'Harvard' style for citing literature:
Author name/s and year of publication in parentheses:
one author: (Miller 1991)
two authors: (Miller and Smith 1994)
three authors or more: (Miller et al. 1995)
The reference list should be alphabetical (even if reference numbers are used). If there are several works by the same author, the following order should be used:
- all works by the author alone, ordered chronologically by year of publication
- all works by the author with a co-author, ordered alphabetically by co-author
- all works by the author with several co-authors, ordered chronologically by year of publication.
The reference style should be consistent throughout the manuscript, with the list of references placed at the end of each chapter.

Notes may appear at the bottom of the page or gathered together as endnotes, immediately preceding the 'References' section. Notes should be indicated by consecutive superscript numbers in the text. A source reference note should be indicated by means of an asterisk after the title. This note should be placed at the bottom of the first page.

Do not embed tables throughout the text, but do save them in the same file as the text, after the References in a contributed article. The approximate position of tables should be indicated in the margin or on a separate line in the manuscript.

Number the tables consecutively using the chapter number as the first number (e.g., Table 1.1) and ensure that all the tables are cited in the text in the correct order.

A caption must accompany and be placed above each table. In tables, footnotes are preferable to long explanatory material in either the heading or body of the table. Such explanatory footnotes, identified by superscript letters, should be placed immediately below the table.

To format the table columns, use the table function in your word-processing program. Do not use the space bar to separate columns, and do not use Excel to create tables. If a table cell is to be left empty, please type a hyphen ( - ) in it.

Please do not treat simple, one-column lists as tables, but instead set them as part of the running text.

Authors are requested to supply the electronic versions of figures as TIFF, Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), JPEG, PS or PDF formats. Please be aware that we may not be able to use other file formats and you should contact your Publisher at Springer before proceeding.
- Figures should be saved in separate files without their captions. The captions should be included in a list at the end of the text, after the Tables.
- For vector graphics, EPS is the preferred format. Lines should not be thinner than 0.25 pts and in-fill patterns and screens should have a density of at least 10%. Make sure that the fonts are embedded in the figure files.
- Font-related problems can be avoided by using standard fonts such as Times New Roman or Helvetica.
- For bitmapped graphics, TIFF is the preferred format.

The following resolutions are required
- Maximum size: width: 11.6 cm (4.56 inch), height 18 cm (7.08 inch)
- black-and-white line figures: 300 dpi (single bit):
- line figures with some grey or coloured lines: 300 dpi;
- photographs: 300 dpi (greyscale 1x8 bits, RGB 3x8 bits);
- Screen dumps - leave as is.

Color figures can be submitted in the RGB color system. Higher resolutions will not improve output quality but will only increase file size, which may cause problems with printing; lower resolutions may compromise output quality. Especially screened originals, i.e., originals with grey areas, may suffer badly from reduction by more than 10-15%.

Cost of Color Figures
All books have free color figures for the online versions (PDF, eBook). Please submit your chapters in color when applicable.

Printing color figures is very expensive. To keep the book price as low as possible, reproduction of color figures is charged to the authors. The charge is on a per chapter basis. Regardless of the number of color figures contained in a chapter, the charge is as follows:
EUR 950.-- per chapter, excluding any applicable tax
US$1150.-- per chapter, excluding any applicable tax
Please advise us which figures should be reproduced in color, and the name and billing address for the invoice.

Saving and Printout
On no account should figures be embedded into the text file; instead, each figure be submitted as a separate
- Save each figure individually, in the same size as you wish it to appear in print.
- Check that all the details, including any lettering, are clearly visible.
- Suitable/preferred data formats are TIFF and EPS (remember to include any fonts used). Data for color figures should, if possible, be in RGB mode. (The preferred color profile (ICC) is sRGB.) Data for greyscale figures should, if possible, be in the greyscale mode. (The preferred profile (ICC) is Dot Gain1 5%.)
- In order to make the TIFF files smaller use LZW compression.
- If you supply a JPEG file, make sure that the "Image Options" is set at 10 or higher and "Format Options" is Baseline Optimized.

Figure Captions and Numbering
Put the captions at the end of the chapter, after the Tables, in the main text file.
- Ensure that all the figures are cited in the text in the correct order.
- The approximate position of figures should be indicated in the margin or on a separate line in the manuscript.


A proof of your manuscript will be sent to you electronically with a deadline noted for its return. It is important that this date be adhered to in order to be able to maintain the publication schedule. Please remember that this is not the opportunity to rewrite parts of the text, but simply to correct typesetter errors.
The Editor of a contributed volume will receive proofs of all chapters and should forward these to the authors for correction. The Editor should then collect the corrections and submit them, as one complete set of corrections, to Springer.

Permission & Copyright Transfer Statement

Legal Requirements
The author(s) guarantee(s) that the manuscript will not be published elsewhere in any language without the consent of the copyright holders, that the rights of third parties have not or will not be violated, and that the Publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation.

Transfer of Copyright
Authors will be asked to transfer copyright to the Publisher. This will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information under copyright laws.
(Contributed volumes)
Each contributor will be asked to transfer the copyright of his/her article/chapter to the Publisher by signing a transfer of copyright agreement. These forms are distributed and collected by the volume Editor and returned to the Publisher together with the manuscript.


It is the responsibility of the author to obtain written permission from the copyright holder for a quotation from published material. Permission must be obtained for all quotations in excess of 250 words (in one extract) or for a total of 500 words from any work still in copyright, and for the reprinting of figures, tables or poems from unpublished or copyrighted material. This includes information taken from the internet or other digital delivery systems. Authors are encouraged to use the Springer sample Copyright Permission Request letter and to begin this process as soon as possible, as it can sometimes take several months before permission is granted. As well, the copyright holder may request that specific text be included in the caption. These supplementary permissions should be sent to Springer with the final manuscript. Identify all correspondence with the manuscript page number or with the illustration number in your own work. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.
If you are in doubt as to whether permission is necessary, or have any other questions regarding obtaining permissions, please contact your Editor.

Checklist for article authors
Title pageTitleCheck
 Name(s) of author(s) 
IndexMailing address(es) 
 e-mail address(es) 
 Headings the same as in the text 
 Only left justification, no hyphenation at the end of lines 
 Text in Times New Roman (12 pt), line space 1,5 
 All ‘Track Changes’ or comments removed  
 Abstract is included 
 Article keywords are included 
 All abbreviations are defined at first use (Optional: include a list of abbreviations) 
ReferencesCitations in text agree with the reference list  
 All entries in the reference list are mentioned in the text 
 References follow the Harvard style rules  
 All figures are mentioned in text, and are enclosed as separate files (no PDF) 
 All figures are consecutively numbered within a chapter, and consecutively cited in text 
 Figure Legends are listed separate, after the references  
 There is permission to reproduce all figures, tables and artwork that were taken from another publication  
TablesPrepared with the table function  
 Placed at the end of the text  
 Consecutively numbered within a chapter, Consecutively cited in text 
 Please check the ‘special characters’ like greek symbols.